
Showing posts from December, 2018

5 band resistor color code calculation chart

The chart presented is for calculating the color-code of 5 color band resistance.   Colorcodes and multiples of all colors are given in this chart.  Through this table, you can calculate any register color code and calculate its value easily.   Apart from this, through this chart, you can easily find the tolerance of any register. This chart is very important for all electrician.  Resistance color code calculation chart 

4 and 5 band resistor color code calculation chart

Demystifying the 4 and 5 Color Band Resistor Color Code Chart Introduction Resistors are fundamental components in electronics, playing a crucial role in controlling the flow of electric current. To understand and work with resistors effectively, it's essential to decode their color codes accurately. In this blog post, we'll dive deep into the 4 and 5 color band resistor color code chart, unraveling its mysteries and equipping you with the knowledge to read and use resistors confidently. **Table of Contents:** 1. **The Basics of Resistors**       To appreciate the significance of resistor color codes, we'll start by revisiting the fundamental role of resistors in electronic circuits. We'll discuss how they limit the flow of current and why different values are required in various applications. 2. **Why Color Codes?**    Exploring the rationale behind using color codes for resistors, we'll understand why it's a practical and efficient method for ide...

4 and 5 band resistor color code

watch to learn, 4 and 5 band resistor color code calculation chart.