
Showing posts from December, 2021

battery maintenance tips

Everyone is using the battery nowadays, whether in your vehicle or for inverter, so along with using the battery, it is also important to maintain it because you have to spend a lot of money in getting another battery.   In this post, you will learn some such tips on the maintenance of the battery, by following which the battery will not get spoiled quickly and its life will also be almost doubled.  Some important tips for battery maintenance are given below.   1 (Water) The most important thing for the battery is that the amount of water in the acid present inside the battery should not be less.  Because when the battery is repeatedly charged and discharged, the amount of water in the acid present inside the battery gradually decreases by burning, so it becomes necessary to check the water level inside the battery from time to time.   And if the amount of water inside the battery has decreased, then wate...

5v dc regulated power supply circuit diagram

The presented circuit diagram is for a 5 volt regulated power supply.  The main component used in this is the voltage regulator IC 7805.   Voltage Regulator 7805 is such an IC whose input we give any voltage from 9v to 25v but from its output always gets only 5 volts.  5V regular power supply is mostly used for sensitive circuits.   Circuit diagram  It is a very simple and low cost power supply and very easy to use.  The 5V regulated power supply can be used for any 5V DC power equipment.  Using this regulated power supply, no electrical equipment will get damaged due to voltage level fluctuations.

wireless ac current detector circuit diagram

There is often a risk of injury due to electric shock during the repair of power lines and electrical equipment. This Wireless AC Current Detector is a very useful project to ensure the presence of electricity before repairing the power line and any electrical equipment.  This project is made using very few electrical components. this project made have been used two NPN transistor Q1, Q2 C1815 only and one LED. With this wireless ac current detector, you can easily detect the electric current flowing in any wire from a distance of about two to three inches without touching the wire.  Wireless ac current detector circuit diagram  This wireless current detector is very simple and low cost. With this wireless AC current detector, the electric current flowing through the wire can be easily detected without cutting the plastic.  Through this wireless AC current detector, neutral and phase (current wire)can be easily detected....

simple 20 watt inverter circuit diagram

Presented circuit diagram is of 20 watt simple inverter.  This circuit is very simple and low cost.  This inverter can be easily made at home.   Two transistors CTC1351 and a ferrite Kaur transformer are used in this circuit.  Apart from this, a resistor 220 ohm, a polyester capacitor 105J, a diode IN4007 and a coil L1 have also been used in this circuit.  There are three coils in the primary winding of the ferrite core transformer used in this circuit, two coils have 15-15 turns of 25 gauge wire and one coil has only 6 turns.  And there are about 270 turns of 36 gauge wire in the secondary winding of the transformer. This circuit requires a 4v to 12v DC power supply to function.  The list of electrical components used in this circuit is given below. Electronics components list  Transistor  Q1 Q2, CTC 1351 Transformer  T1 ferrite core  Capacitor  C1...

9v dc tranformerless power supply circuit diagram

Presented circuit diagram is of 9V DC 200mA transformerless power supply.  A polyester capacitor C1 105J 400v is used in this circuit to step down the AC voltage.   Resistance R1 1mega ohm is used to discharge the capacitor.  And resistance R2 100 Ohm is used as a fuse.  Four diodes 1N4007 have been used in this circuit to convert AC volts to DC.   Apart from this, an electroletic capacitor C2 1000UF 25v has been used in this circuit to filter the voltage.  A zener diode 9v 1W has been used in this circuit to protect the circuit.   This circuit is very simple and very easy to use.  The list of all the electrical components used in this circuit is given below. List of electronics components  Capacitor  C1 105j 400v  C2 1000uf 25v Resistance  R1 1M ohm 1/4w R2 100 ohm 1w R3 1Ik ohm  Diode  D×4 1N4007 Jenner diode  9v 1w LED light 

5 volt battery charger circuit diagram

The presented circuit diagram is designed to act as a 5 volt battery charger.  You can also use this circuit for 5v regular power supply.   Any device running on 5v DC can be connected to this circuit such as for charging mobile phone battery, LED DOB which glows from 4v etc.  In this circuit ic 7805 is used which is a voltage regulator ic.   Give any voltage 12 to 35 at the input of ic 7805 but always get 5V on its output pin.  This circuit is made up of very few components and is very easy to use.   And at the same time, this power supply is also very safe. a list of electronics components use in this circuit given below. Electronics components list  ic 7805 Capacitor  C1 220uf 50v C2 47uf 25v

6v dc regulated power supply circuit diagram

 The given circuit diagram is designed for a 6 V regulated power supply. In this circuit voltage regulated ic7806 is used. Give any voltage from 9v to 24v on the input pin of ic7812 but always get 6 volts on its output pin. To convert Main AC 230v to 12V AC, a transformer T1 12 0 12v has been used in it. Also, four diodes 1N4007 have been used in this circuit to convert AC voltage to DC. A capacitor c1 4700uf 50v has been used to filter the DC voltage. This power supply can be connected to any electrical appliance running on 6v DC. This is a very safe power supply. a list electronics components used in this circuit given below. List of Electronics Components  Transformer  T1-12 012v  regulated IC  7806  diode  D×4 1N4007  capacitor  c1 4700uf 25v  c2 c3  0.01uf  Resistance  R1 1I Ohm