automatic battery charger circuit diagram
Presented circuit is designed for automatic battery charger. This circuit automatically turns off the battery supply as soon as the battery reaches its full charge level. Only one transistor BC547 drives this circuit. The base of the transistor BC547 is connected to the positive pole of the battery by a 4.7k ohm resistance. And a variable resistance 10k ohm is used to adjust the voltage level at the base of the transistor. Let's assume that the battery to be charged is of 12 volts. When fully charged, the voltage level of the battery rises to about 14 volts. And with this, the voltage at the base of the transistor BC547 increases, due to which the transistor comes into switch on mode. And with this the relay connected to the collector of the transistor comes to the on position and turns off the supply of the battery. The list of electrical components used in this circuit is given below. ...