
Showing posts from June, 2020

fan regulator circuit diagram

Fan regulator  The circuit presented serves as the fan's regulator. BT136 is used in this circuit. And to control the fan speed, a variable register 220k ohm has been used in this circuit. The list of electrical components used in this circuit is given below. Fan regulator circuit diagram  Electronics components list  Triac BT136  diac (DB3 C312) Resistance  R1 10k ohm V/R1 220k ohm  Capacitor  C1 104 I 400v

remote control switch circuit diagram

Remote control switch  The circuit presented serves as a remote control switch.  This circuit is built using ic CD 4017.  A 12 volt relay is used in this circuit which acts as a switch.   by this switch you can on or oof fan, cooler, bulb and any electricity device. list of all the electrical components used in this circuit  given below. Remote control switch circuit diagram  Electronics Components list  ic CD4017  Capacitor  1uf 25v ir receiver  TSOP 1738 Transistor  Q1 bc 557 Q2 BC547  Resistance  R1 10k ohm R2 100k ohm R3 1k ohm Diode  1N4007  Relay 12v PCB BOARD  Watch full video