thief detector circuit diagram
The presented circuit diagram is used to catch the thief. This circuit
is built using
transistors BC548
and AC188.
Put a thin copper wire connected between the base and negative line of
transistor BC548
where there is a way for thieves to enter the house.
Now as soon as the thief tries to enter the house, the copper wire will break
and as soon as the copper wire breaks, the positive voltage through the
resistance R1 10k will come to the base of transistor BC 548
and the circuit will be turned on.
As soon as the circuit is turned on, the resistance and 103PF connected
between the
transistor BC548
base and the collector of transistor AC188 together produce a sairan-like
frequency that will be heard in the speaker connected to the collector of
transistor AC188. This circuit is very simple and very easy to use.
A list of electronics components used in this circuit given below.