Variable disco lighting circuit diagram

<img src="/imgs/variable-disco-light" alt="Variable Disco Light">

The project presented is for decoration of homes and temples on festivals like Deepavali. It uses LEDs of different types of colors, which spread different types of beautiful colors. This circuit is made using two NPN transistors BC547. The list of main components used in the circuit is given below.
<img src="/imgs/variable-disco-light-circuit-diagram" alt="Variable Disco Light Circuit Diagram">

Electronics components list 

5MM 10 piecs,

BC547 2 piece,

C1 10uf 12v
C2 100uf 12v

R1, R2 56k ohm
R3, R4 100 ohm,

Push button 1 piece, 



Unknown said…
I ski powar splay ka circuit bhi upload karo
Unknown said…
Very good presentation,
Sir, can i have get number for any question regarding projects
soccerjanice74 said…
Modern furnishings and lighting utilize natural materials and neutral colors. Given the neutrality of the colors used, the design of the item itself, whether it's a teak coffee table or an arc floor lamp takes center stage. Contemporary styles are much more liberal in their use of color. Led lights

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