overheat protection circuit diagram

The project is used to protect electrical equipment from over hits. By using this product, transformers, electric motors and other electrical equipment can be saved from burning due to over hits.
<img src="/imgs/overheat-protectio" alt="Overheat Protection Switch">

 The project presented is designed using two ic LM35 and LM358. The ic LM35 has been used as a digital output temperature sensor. A 10k ohm variable resistor is used in this circuit to set at a suitable temperature. 

 As the temperature of ic LM 35 increases, plus voltage is started on its output pin number 2.  And its pin number 2 ic is connected to pin number 3 of LM358. Hence ic LM358 comes in on condition. And its output pin number one starts getting plus voltage. And pin number 1 of ic is connected to the base of transistor BC548. Therefore, the plus boltage reaches the base of the transistor. And transistor BC548 turns on. This causes the relay connected to the transistor, to comes normally on condition. And any electrical device connected to the relay avoid malfunction. The list of electronics components used in this circuit is given below.
<img src="/imgs/overheat-protection-circuit-diagram" alt="Overheat Protection Circuit Diagram">

ic1 LM35 
ic2 LM358 
Q1 BC548 
V/R1 10K 
R1,R2 750 ohm 
Diode 1N4007 
Red LED 
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