Simple inverter circuit diagram using transistor 2sc5200

 In today's world, where electricity is a fundamental necessity, power outages can be inconvenient and sometimes even life-threatening.

The presented circuit diagram is designed to act as a simple inverter.  Very few electrical components have been used in this circuit.  

This circuit is built using a transistor 2sc 5200 and a 12V stepdown transformer.  In addition, a resistance 1K Ohm and a ceramic capacitor 472J have also been used in this circuit.  

The main feature of this circuit is that it consumes very little current.  This circuit requires a 4v to 12v DC supply to function.  This inverter can be easily made at home.

Simple inverter circuit diagram 

A electronics circuit diagram

Note: Ensure that you follow safety precautions and take necessary measures when working with electricity. Disconnect the electric. 

Safety Tips

Always work in

Double-check your connections and polarities before applying power.

Use appropriate safety gear, like safety glasses and insulated tools.

Keep the inverter away from water and flammable materials.

Avoid overloading the inverter with high-power devices.


Building a simple inverter circuit using 2SC5200 transistors can provide a cost-effective solution for powering


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