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what is resistor
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register is an electrical component used to reduce the electrical
current in a circuit. The register is measured in units of ohms and has two
The register is constructed using carbon or metal wire. There are mainly two
types of registers, fixed value registers, variable registers.
Fixed value resistors,
The value of fixed value register is always fixed, its value cannot be
increased or decreased whereas the value of variable register can be increased
or decreased.
Resistor Color Code Calculator
Resistor Color Code Calculator
Select the colors of the bands on your resistor:
The value of the fixed value register is indicated above it in the form of a
color band. It is made of electro-resistant material. Fixed value registers
also belong to the following categories.
Flameproof Mattel oxide resistors,
Flameproof Mattel oxide resistors is produced by coating a thin layer of tin
chloride on a glass rod which is shown in the picture below.
Carbon film resistors,
Carbon Film Register is manufactured from high grade ceramic material.
Which is shown in the picture below.
Wirewound resistors;
Wirewound resistors are manufactured by winding tungsten, nichrome or nickel
wire over an insulator rod. The value of this resistor depends on the length
of the wire.
Variable resistors;
The value of the variable resistor is not always fixed, its value can be
increased or decreased as per the requirement. Variable resistor is
used to increase or decrease the volume in radio, TV and music system etc.
It is of three types.
Potentiometer variable resistors
The potentiometer variable resistor shown in the following figure is used to
control the voltage level in any electrical circuit. By rotating the
knob in it, you can set it to the value as per the requirement.
trimmer or preset is a variable resistor that is embedded in a PCB board
along with other components and requires a screwdriver to change its value.
पानी की टंकी मोटर स्वचालित चालू / बंद स्विच प्रस्तुत सर्किट द्वारा पानी की टंकी पूरी तरह से भर जाने के बाद टैंक की मोटर अपने आप बंद हो जाती है। और टंकी में पानी खाली होने पर मोटर अपने आप चलने लगती है। इस परिपथ में IC 555 का प्रयोग किया जाता है। IC 555 इस सर्किट और टाइमर सर्किट दोनों में समान रूप से काम करता है। और IC सुरक्षा के लिए, हमने इसमें एक डायोड in4007 जोड़ा है। इसके अलावा इस सर्किट में 2 ट्रांजिस्टर BC548 का भी इस्तेमाल किया गया है। और एक रिले 18V का उपयोग ऑन-ऑफ स्विच के रूप में किया गया है। इस परियोजना में हमें तीन तारों को पानी की टंकी में विसर्जित करने की आवश्यकता है। +V तार को पानी की टंकी के सबसे निचले स्तर पर रखा जाना चाहिए और ic के ट्रिगर पिन 2 वाले तार को पानी की टंकी के मध्य स्तर पर रखा जाना चाहिए। और तीसरा तार जो ट्रांजिस्टर Q1 के आधार से जुड़ा है, पानी की टंकी के शीर्ष पर रखा गया है। काम करने का ढंग पानी की टंकी मोटर ऑटो चालू/बंद स्विच ...
Remote control switch The circuit presented serves as a remote control switch. This circuit is built using ic CD 4017. A 12 volt relay is used in this circuit which acts as a switch. by this switch you can on or oof fan, cooler, bulb and any electricity device. list of all the electrical components used in this circuit given below. Remote control switch circuit diagram Electronics Components list ic CD4017 Capacitor 1uf 25v ir receiver TSOP 1738 Transistor Q1 bc 557 Q2 BC547 Resistance R1 10k ohm R2 100k ohm R3 1k ohm Diode 1N4007 Relay 12v PCB BOARD Watch full video
Building Your Own FM Transmitter: A Step-by-Step Guide Introduction: In an era where wireless communication is king, understanding the basics of radio frequency (RF) technology can be both fascinating and practical. One exciting project to delve into this world is building your own FM transmitter. In this blog post, we'll provide you with a comprehensive guide, including a circuit diagram, to create your very own FM transmitter. Whether you're an electronics enthusiast or just curious about how it works, this DIY project is both educational and fun. **Chapter 1: Understanding the Basics of FM Transmitters** Before we dive into the circuit diagram and assembly, let's briefly explore what an FM transmitter is and how it works. 1. **What is an FM Transmitter?** An FM transmitter is a device that c...
Building a Secure Password Lock Circuit with IC CD4017: A Step-by-Step Guide Introduction: In today's digital age, security is of utmost importance. Whether it's your home, office, or personal belongings, safeguarding them with a reliable locking mechanism is essential. One effective way to enhance security is by creating a password-protected lock circuit. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of building a secure password lock circuit using the versatile IC CD4017. **Table of Contents:** 1. **What is IC CD4017?** 2. **Components Required** 3. **Circuit Diagram** 4. **Circuit Explanation** 5. **Construction Steps** 6. **Testing the Password Lock Circuit** 7. **Enhancements and Customizations** 8. **Conclusion** **1. What is IC CD4017?** IC CD4017, also known as the Decade ...
LED bulb driver circuit diagram The presented circuit is designed for the driver of the LED bulb. This circuit is built using 3 capacitors C 1, C 2, C 3. A list of all the components used in this circuit is given below. Components list C1, C2 105J 400V C3 47uf 160V Resistance R1 1M ohm Diode 1N4007 ×4 PCB board
Understanding Electronic Component Circuit Symbols Introduction Electronic circuits are the building blocks of modern technology. From smartphones to spacecraft, electronic circuits power and control a wide range of devices. To work with these circuits effectively, engineers and enthusiasts alike need to understand the symbols used to represent electronic components in circuit diagrams. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of electronic component circuit symbols, demystifying the key symbols you need to know. Chart of electronics components circuit symbol Resistors Resistors are one of the fundamental components in electronics. They limit the flow of current in a circuit. In circuit diagrams, resistors are represented by a zigzag line. The symbol is simple, resembling a serpentine path. The value of the resistance is often indicated next to the symbol in ohms (Ω). Capacitors Capacitors store electrical charge and release it when need...
Fan regulator The circuit presented serves as the fan's regulator. BT136 is used in this circuit. And to control the fan speed, a variable register 220k ohm has been used in this circuit. The list of electrical components used in this circuit is given below. Fan regulator circuit diagram Electronics components list Triac BT136 diac (DB3 C312) Resistance R1 10k ohm V/R1 220k ohm Capacitor C1 104 I 400v
High voltage generator circuit diagram The presented circuit diagram is designed to generete high voltage. This circuit generates 2000 high volts dc. This circuit should be used very carefully. This circuit is built using transistor D882. This circuit is used to protect crops from wild animals and to protect them from monkeys. And this circuit is also used in mosquito bat. A list of all the electronic components used in this circuit is given below. How to make high voltage generator circuit watch full video Electronics components list Transistor Q1 D882 Capacitor C1 105j 400v C2 102 pf C3 101 of C4 223j 2000v Diode all diode 1N4007 LED light Resistance R1 1m ohm R2 18k ohm R3 1.5I ohm Transformer L1 15 turn 0.2mm copper wire L2 30 turn 0.2mm copper wire L3 450 turn 0.05mm copper wire Battery 4v PC...
The presented circuit diagram is used to catch the thief. This circuit is built using transistors BC548 and AC188. Put a thin copper wire connected between the base and negative line of transistor BC548 where there is a way for thieves to enter the house. Now as soon as the thief tries to enter the house, the copper wire will break and as soon as the copper wire breaks, the positive voltage through the resistance R1 10k will come to the base of transistor BC 548 and the circuit will be turned on. As soon as the circuit is turned on, the resistance and 103PF connected between the transistor BC548 base and the collector of transistor AC188 together produce a sairan-like frequency that will be heard in the speaker connected to the collector of transistor AC188. This circuit is very simple and very easy to use. A list of electronics components used in this circuit given below. ...
LPG has become the need of everyone these days. Nowadays everyone is using gas cylinder to cook food, but just as the use of LPG is continuously spreading its feet, similarly the accident caused by gas cylinder cannot be ignored because during use of LPG Gas leaks often lead to accidents. A gas leak detector is a useful project to prevent accidents due to LPG leaks. Gas Leak Detector The gas sensor MQ2 installed in the project is sensitive to Hydrogen, LPG, Smoke and Alcohol. This project can be used to prevent any accident by detecting gas leak in home, shop and industry. The presented project serves as a gas leak detector . This circuit is designed using gas sensor and transistor BC 148. This circuit will notify you of gas leaks by sounding an alarm. The list of elec...