BC639 Transistor Datasheet Pinout

BC639 Transistor: Datasheet, Pinout, and Applications


The BC639 is a widely-used NPN transistor that falls into the general-purpose category. Known for its high gain and voltage-handling capacity, it finds use in a variety of electronic circuits such as amplifiers, switches, and drivers. In this post, we'll dive into the key aspects of the BC639 transistor, covering its datasheet specifications, pinout configuration, and common applications.

BC639 Datasheet Overview

The BC639 is a silicon NPN transistor designed for amplification and switching applications. Below are the critical specifications typically listed in the BC639 datasheet:

  • Maximum Collector-Emitter Voltage (V<sub>CEO</sub>): 80V
  • Maximum Collector-Base Voltage (V<sub>CBO</sub>): 100V
  • Maximum Emitter-Base Voltage (V<sub>EBO</sub>): 5V
  • Collector Current (I<sub>C</sub>): 1A
  • Power Dissipation (P<sub>D</sub>): 800mW
  • DC Current Gain (h<sub>FE</sub>): 40 to 160
  • Transition Frequency (f<sub>T</sub>): 100 MHz

Thermal Characteristics:

  • Junction Temperature (T<sub>J</sub>): 150°C
  • Storage Temperature Range: -55°C to +150°C

The BC639 is often housed in a TO-92 package, a common form factor for low- and medium-power transistors. Its low saturation voltage and relatively high current handling make it suitable for small-scale power applications.

Pinout Configuration

The BC639 transistor follows a standard TO-92 package pinout configuration:

A electronics component

The three terminals are:

  1. Collector (C): This is the terminal where the load is connected.
  2. Base (B): The base terminal controls the transistor's operation. A small current at the base controls a larger current flow between the collector and emitter.
  3. Emitter (E): The emitter is connected to the ground in most circuits, acting as the output path for current flow.

Working Principle

The BC639 operates as an NPN transistor, meaning it turns on when a positive voltage is applied to the base relative to the emitter. In active mode, the collector current (I<sub>C</sub>) is proportional to the base current (I<sub>B</sub>), multiplied by the transistor's current gain (h<sub>FE</sub>).

Key Applications of BC639 Transistor

Given its specifications, the BC639 has a wide range of applications, particularly in small electronic devices requiring moderate power handling and amplification.

1. Audio Amplifiers

The BC639 is commonly used in low-power audio amplifiers due to its good gain and frequency characteristics. It can handle small audio signals and boost them to drive speakers or other components effectively.

2. Switching Circuits

BC639 can act as a switch in digital and analog circuits. When a small current is applied to the base, the transistor "switches on," allowing a larger current to pass between the collector and emitter. This makes it ideal for controlling devices like relays, LEDs, and small motors in power-saving circuits.

3. DC-DC Converters

In DC-DC converter circuits, the BC639 can help switch the voltage levels efficiently, thanks to its capability to handle up to 1A of collector current. Its fast switching speed is also advantageous for converters operating at high frequencies.

4. Driver Circuits for Motors and Relays

The transistor is often employed as a driver in motor and relay circuits where it amplifies control signals to handle higher currents required by these components. Its robust voltage and current ratings make it a reliable choice for such applications.

5. Signal Amplification

The BC639 can amplify weak electrical signals in various types of sensor circuits or communication devices. Its wide operating frequency range up to 100 MHz allows for efficient high-frequency signal amplification.

6. LED Drivers

Thanks to its low saturation voltage and relatively high current capacity, the BC639 is commonly used in LED driver circuits. It can provide the necessary current to drive multiple LEDs without overheating or losing efficiency.

Circuit Example: Simple LED Driver with BC639

In a basic LED driver circuit, the BC639 can be used to control the illumination of an LED. Here's a simple step-by-step guide to wiring up an LED driver:

  1. Connect the emitter of the BC639 to the ground.
  2. The collector is connected to the negative terminal of the LED.
  3. The positive terminal of the LED connects to the power supply (say 12V) through a current-limiting resistor.
  4. Apply a control signal to the base via a resistor (usually 1kΩ to 10kΩ depending on the input signal voltage).

When a signal is applied to the base, the transistor switches on, allowing current to flow through the LED, lighting it up.


The BC639 NPN transistor offers a versatile solution for low- to medium-power applications. Its high voltage rating, reasonable current-handling capabilities, and excellent gain characteristics make it a suitable choice for use in amplifiers, switching circuits, motor drivers, and more. Understanding its datasheet specifications and pinout configuration is key to utilizing the BC639 effectively in your electronic projects.

If you are looking for a cost-effective, reliable transistor for everyday use in electronic circuits, the BC639 is definitely a component worth considering.


1. Can I use the BC639 as a power transistor?
While the BC639 is not considered a "power" transistor, it can handle currents up to 1A, making it suitable for low- and medium-power applications.

2. How do I choose a base resistor for BC639?
To calculate the base resistor, you can use the formula:
RB=VinVBEIBR_B = \frac{V_{in} - V_{BE}}{I_B} where V<sub>in</sub> is the input voltage, V<sub>BE</sub> is typically 0.7V, and I<sub>B</sub> is the required base current to switch the transistor fully on.

3. What is the maximum switching frequency of BC639?
The transition frequency (f<sub>T</sub>) is 100 MHz, which allows the transistor to switch efficiently in high-frequency applications.


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